Vabilo na predavanje Prednosti elektronske mikroskopije za preučevanje bioloških sistemov

Organizator: UNIVERZA V NOVI GORICI Mednarodno ime: University of Nova Gorica
Kontaktni podatki organizatorja:, +386 (0)5 620 58 20.
Vstopnina: Vstop prost

Univerza v Novi Gorici vabi na predavanje, ki ga bo imela dr. Urška Repnik (Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany), z naslovom Prednosti elektronske mikroskopije za preučevanje bioloških sistemov.

Predavanje bo potekalo v sredo, 20. decembra 2023, ob 16. uri v dvorcu Lanthieri v Vipavi.

Sledil bo pogovor s predavateljico, ki ga bo moderirala prof. dr. Martina Bergant Marušič.

Transmission electron microscopy laid foundations of modern cell biology, and colourful schematic representations of the cell are based on electron micrographs. However, once a powerful tool, conventional EM is increasingly underappreciated given the advances in cryo EM and 3D volume EM. Why does conventional EM remain a valuable tool in studying biological systems? The lecture will give an overview of the electron microscopy and present in more detail the main techniques of conventional EM, such as negative staining of small biological particles, ultrastructural analysis on thin sections and immunogold labelling with examples from diverse biological systems.

Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.

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