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Y.business Success Story: Michael Goldberg

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Y.business Success Story: Michael Goldberg, creator of MOOC Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies


Zavod Ypsilon vabi na Y.business Success Story s posebnim gostom iz Združenih držav Amerike, Michaelom Goldbergom. Goldberg je izkušen vlagatelj in profesor, ki poučuje podjetništvo in finance v zgodnji razvojni stopnji podjetij.


Pridružite se nam v četrtek, 8. junija 2017, ob 18.00 v prostorih ABC Huba (spodnja etaža Emporiuma, BTC City Ljubjana). Vabljeni vsi, ki že imate startup ali ga želite ustanoviti, mladi in bodoči voditelji ter snovalci pozitivnih družbenih sprememb. Dogodek bo v celoti potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Udeležba je brezplačna, prijavite pa se na povezavi http://bit.ly/YbusinessMichaelGoldberg.


18.00: Uvodni nagovor strokovnega direktorja Zavoda Ypsilon Andraža Šilerja

18.05: Uvodni nagovor predstavnika Veleposlaništva ZDA v Ljubljani

18.20: Voden pogovor: gost Michael Goldberg

18.40: Predstavitev: Michael Goldberg

19.30: Mreženje


Pogovor z gostom bo vodil Andraž Šiler, strokovni direktor Zavoda Ypsilon


Kdo je Michael Goldberg? Preberite si njegov opis v angleškem jeziku.

Goldberg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design and Innovation at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. With support from the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, Goldberg created a massive open online course (MOOC) called Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies, which has attracted over 120,000 students from 190 countries with subtitles in 16 languages (most on Coursera platform). Inc.com named Beyond Silicon Valley one of the top online classes that "will make you smarter and more interesting." Goldberg spoke about the impact of his MOOC at TEDxHeraklion in Crete (February 2015) and TEDxFulbright in Santa Monica (September 2015).

Goldberg co-founded the Bridge Investment Fund, a venture capital fund focused on investing in Israeli medical device companies that have synergies with the leading health care industries and institutions in Cleveland.

Goldberg is active in the entrepreneurship community in Cleveland, serving as a mentor to entrepreneurs through Jumpstart and FlashStarts. He has appeared as a frequent guest panelist on MSNBC’s “Your Business” and written on international entrepreneurship for CNBC, Entrepreneur.com and The Huffington Post.

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