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Y.business Success Story: mag. Damjan Kralj, direktor za trženje in marketing, BTC d.d.


Velike ideje v mestu priložnosti: Uspešne prakse in nasveti izkušenih za uresničitev vaše podjetniške ideje


Zavod Ypsilon vabi na Success Story z direktorjem za trženje in marketing, BTC d.d., mag. Damjanom Kraljem. Damjan Kralj je odigral pomembno vlogo pri uveljavljanju Vodnega mesta Atlantis ter mnogih drugih iniciativah v BTC Cityu. Opazni vrednoti njegovega dela sta trajnost in inovativnost, ki ju predaja mlajšim generacijam prek mentorstva.


Pridružite se nam v četrtek, 19. oktobra 2017, ob 18.00 v prostorih ABC Huba (spodnja etaža Emporiuma, BTC City Ljubjana). Vabljeni vsi, ki vas zanimajo velika podjetja, uživate v neumornih marketinških razpravah in se želite mrežeti z uspešnimi. Izvedeli boste, kako je uspelo Damjanu Kralju in kakšne nasvete ima za mlade.

Udeležba je brezplačna, obvezna je rezervacija vstopnice.


18.00: Uvodni nagovor direktorja Zavoda Ypsilon, Miha Žefrana

18.05: Uvodni nagovor predstavnika Javne agencije Republike Slovenije za spodbujanje podjetništva, internacionalizacije, tujih investicij in tehnologije – SPIRIT Slovenija

18.15: Voden pogovor: gost mag. Damjan Kralj, direktor za trženje in marketing, BTC d.d.

19.00: Mreženje


Pogovor z gostom bo vodil strokovni direktor Zavoda Ypsilon, Andraž Šiler.


Kdo je Damjan Kralj? Preberite si kratko predstavitev v angleškem jeziku.

Holding various positions within the Company since 2004, Mr. Kralj has made valuable contributions to the successful positioning of Atlantis Water Park on the Slovenian wellness and spa map. Under Mr. Kralj’s direction, the BTC Company also made additional progress in the commercial real estate business sector by a successful implementation of the Company’s commercial strategy and the sustainable development of its BTC Cities. In his current position as Member of the Management Board and Director of Sales and Marketing, held since 2014, Mr. Kralj also adds value within BTC’s executive team in the creation of long term business relationships in the Company’s logistics business unit. He was also one of the key facilitators within the top management team of the ABC start-up accelerator initiative in BTC City. His future endeavors will continue to support the Company’s strategic orientation towards sustainability, future business, and marketing innovation. Mr. Kralj holds a Master of Science degree from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana and regularly volunteers as a mentor for young potentials in Slovenia.

Preberite več o podjetju BTC d.d.:

Aktivnost je sofinancirana s strani Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije.

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