Občine: Brežice, Kostanjevica na Krki, Krško, Radeče, Sevnica Občine: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Cirkulane, Destrnik, Dornava, Duplek, Gorišnica, Hajdina, Hoče-Slivnica, Juršinci, Kidričevo, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Majšperk, Makole, Maribor, Markovci, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Oplotnica, Ormož, Pesnica, Podlehnik, Poljčane, Ptuj, Rače-Fram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Središče ob Dravi, Starše, Sveta Ana, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Tomaž, Šentilj, Trnovska vas, Videm, Zavrč, Žetale Občine: Borovnica, Brezovica, Dobrepolje, Dobrova-Polhov Gradec, Dol pri Ljubljani, Domžale, Grosuplje, Horjul, Ig, Ivančna Gorica, Kamnik, Komenda, Litija, Ljubljana, Log - Dragomer, Logatec, Lukovica, Medvode, Mengeš, Moravče, Škofljica, Šmartno pri Litiji, Trzin, Velike Lašče, Vodice, Vrhnika Občine: Bloke, Cerknica, Ilirska Bistrica, Loška dolina, Pivka, Postojna Občine: Ajdovščina, Bovec, Brda, Cerkno, Idrija, Kanal ob Soči, Kobarid, Miren-Kostanjevica, Nova Gorica, Renče-Vogrsko, Šempeter-Vrtojba, Tolmin, Vipava Občine: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana, Veržej Občine: Črnomelj, Dolenjske Toplice, Kočevje, Kostel, Loški Potok, Metlika, Mirna, Mirna Peč, Mokronog-Trebelno, Novo mesto, Osilnica, Ribnica, Semič, Sodražica, Straža, Šentjernej, Šentrupert, Škocjan, Šmarješke Toplice, Trebnje, Žužemberk Občine: Ankaran, Divača, Hrpelje-Kozina, Izola, Komen, Koper, Piran, Sežana Občine: Hrastnik, Trbovlje, Zagorje ob Savi Občine: Bistrica ob Sotli, Braslovče, Celje, Dobje, Dobrna, Gornji Grad, Kozje, Laško, Ljubno, Luče, Mozirje, Nazarje, Podčetrtek, Polzela, Prebold, Rečica ob Savinji, Rogaška Slatina, Rogatec, Slovenske Konjice, Solčava, Šentjur, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Šmartno ob Paki, Šoštanj, Štore, Tabor, Velenje, Vitanje, Vojnik, Vransko, Zreče, Žalec Občine: Črna na Koroškem, Dravograd, Mežica, Mislinja, Muta, Podvelka, Prevalje, Radlje ob Dravi, Ravne na Koroškem, Ribnica na Pohorju, Slovenj Gradec, Vuzenica Občine: Bled, Bohinj, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Gorenja vas-Poljane, Gorje, Jesenice, Jezersko, Kranj, Kranjska Gora, Naklo, Preddvor, Radovljica, Šenčur, Škofja Loka, Tržič, Železniki, Žiri, Žirovnica Ljubljana

Acrobatic flow & partner acrobatics

Organizator: Fluid Balance- creative acrobatics
Vstopnina: 60€ 1 dan, 100€ 2 dni
Registracija: fluidbalance@amazonas.hr

➤ 17.-18.3.2018 INTENSIVE WORKSHOP
Saturday& Sunday 16:00 - 19:00h
Ljubljana, Slovenia
➤ Workshop fee:
60 e - 1 day
100 e- 2 days
➤ REGISTRATION VALID VIA EMAIL: fluidbalance@amazonas.hr


➤ENTER THE SPIRAL: acrobatic flow (Saturday)

The goal of the workshop is to give you the necessary building blocks with which you can create unique flow - by connecting transitions, rolls, jumps, dives and acrobatic movements in endless continuum. We will use various techniques from contemporary dance, capoeira and circus acrobatics; but most important we will strive to economize the energy flow from one element to the other, through the effortless use of the spiral.
Developing multi-dimensional movements; better understanding and use of surroundings; out-of-the-box movement (using and connecting the moves from different disciplines); economising motion, strength and power.
Injuries, age, or other physical impairments will not limit your participation in this workshop, whose goal is to discover the individual movement potential of each participant. Beginners as well as experienced movers, actors and dancers, acrobats are welcome.

Workshop segments:
- quadripedal movements
• games2. ELEMENTS- Transitions: QDR/crocodile, turns, swipes, crawls- Rolls: front roll, contemporary dance rools/floor turns, side roll, back roll- Dynamic acrobatics: cartwheel, monkey flip, butterfly kick, PDM/1990, handstand, bridge3. MERGING ELEMENTS- Connecting all the learned elements in “one flow”4. COOL DOWN, Q & A

➤TRUST: partner acrobatics (Sunday)

Exploring the acrobatics in corelation to the other body, partnering as a suport and active participant in movement execution. We will explore the best options of bimechanic ways of lifting, leaning, pushing, pulling and other counter balance structures. With this understanding we will pass on flying acrobatics, bridge, hand stand, cartwheel and other acrobatics, executed with one or more partners. The exercises are inspired by movement disciplines as contemporary dance, capoeira, chinese acrobatics, acro balance and martial arts.
Building trust, self-confidence and neutralising fear through better understanding of the movement structures. The workshop also helps you in future execution of the movements on your own.
Injuries, age, or other physical impairments will not limit your participation in this workshop, whose goal is to discover the individual movement potential of each participant. Beginners as well as experienced movers, actors and dancers, acrobats are welcome.

Workshop segments:
• contact games
• counter balance exploration
• gradually building the movements to less suport, more speed and dynamics
• bridge, cartwheel and handstands with the partner
• flying and rolling over partner acrobatics
• connecting the elements through concept games
• cool down, Q & A

Fluid balance helps you to become more aware of your body in any situation/position and lets you feel how balance
flows dynamicaly across the axis of the body. The aim is to explore the posibilities of smooth transitions between
movement and stillness. We discover the individual movement potential of each participant. Fluid balance is
suitable for all body types.

FLUID BALANCE TEAM: Nikola Orešković & Katjuša Kovačič
e-mail: fluidbalance@amazonas.hr
gsm (SI): +386.
gsm (HR): +385.91.513.48.50
web page:
facebook page:

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