Vabljeni, da se nam skupaj z otroki pridružite na aktivnem potepu po gozdovih Zadloga. Dogodek bo voden v angleškem jeziku.
Datum: 30. 5. 2023; 16:00
Zbirno mesto: Zadlog 7a, Črni Vrh nad Idrijo
Organizator: More to Explore (Mikaela Toczek)
Informacije:, 064 144 984 (Mikaela Toczek)
Z Mikaelo Toczek se sprehodite po zadloških gozdovih, upočasnite korak, prisluhnite in doživite naravo skozi vrsto vodenih gozdnih dejavnosti, primernih za vse starosti. Z visečimi mrežami, kuhanjem čaja iz nabranih zelišč in izdelovanjem kreativnih spominkov, ki jih navdihuje naše okolje, se bomo sprostili in se osredotočili na to, kako lahko prosti čas, preživet v čudovitih gozdovih Geoparka Idrija, vpliva na naše dobro počutje. Naše potovanje se bo začelo s kratkim sprehodom po gozdu, kjer bomo podrobno opazovali okolico. Sprehod ne bo zahteven, hodili bomo počasi, vendar bo teren pogosto neraven in občasno bomo hodili izven poti. Ko bomo prispeli do našega postanka, bomo skupaj uživali v preprostih dejavnostih, počivali in ustvarjali. Ob robu vasi se bomo vrnili na izhodiščno točko. Pohod je primeren za otroke, vendar jih mora spremljati odrasla oseba.
Wander in Zadlog’s forests with Mikaela Toczek, slow down, listen and experience nature through a series of guided forest activities suitable for all ages. Through hanging hammocks, brewing foraged tea and making creative keepsakes inspired by our surroundings, we will reset and focus on how simple time spent in the beautiful forests of Idrija Geopark can impact our wellbeing. Our journey will start with a short walk through the forest, carefully observing our surroundings and taking time to appreciate the details. The walk is easy and we will be moving slowly but the terrain is often uneven and at times we will be journeying off the path. Once we arrive at our Pavza we will enjoy some simple activities together, resting and creating before we leave the forest, walking along the edge of the village back to our start point. This activity is ideal for children but they must be accompanied by a participating adult.