

Y.business Success Story: Dr. Dan K. Hibbler & Scott Fetters

Y.business Success Story: Dr. Dan K. Hibbler & Scott Fetters

Entrepreneurship, coworking and work-life balance.


Zavod Ypsilon vabi na Success Story z ameriškima mentorjema Danom Hibblerjem in Scottom Fettersom. Dan Hibbler je profesor na DePaul Univerzi v Chichagu in ima več kot 10 let izkušenj na področju storitev za prosti čas in turizma. Scott Fetters je direktor chicaškega inkubatorja 2112, ki pospešuje podjetja na področju glasbe, filma in kreativnih industrij. 


Pridružite se nam v sredo, 18. aprila 2018, ob 18.00 v prostorih ABC Huba (spodnja etaža Emporiuma, BTC City Ljubjana). Vabljeni vsi, ki vas zanima work-life balance, novi načini dela, kreativne industrije in se želite mrežiti z ameriškimi mentorji.

Udeležba je brezplačna, prijavite pa se na povezavi: https://goo.gl/nH3VQV


18.00: Uvodni nagovor: strokovni direktor Zavoda Ypsilon Andraž Šiler

18.05: Voden pogovor: Dr. Dan K. Hibbler  in Scott Fetters

19.15: Mreženje


Pogovor bo v angleškem jeziku, vodila ga bo direktorica Zavoda Ypsilon, Manja Munda.

Kdo sta Dan Hibbler in Scott Fetters? Preberite si kratko predstavitev v angleškem jeziku.

Dr. Dan K. Hibbler is an Associate Professor and Faculty Mentor at the School for New Learning, DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. His Ph.D. in Leisure Behavior is from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Hibbler served on the faculty of the University of Illinois and Florida International University in Miami prior to his current appointment at DePaul University. Dr. Hibbler’s research and teaching interests focus on leisure behavior and leisure administration in urban environments related to issues of social justice. Dr. Hibbler has also gained over 10 years of professional experience as an administrator in the leisure service industry and in higher education administration. More information: https://works.bepress.com/dan_hibbler/.

Scott Fetters joined the Chicago music community in 2007 after graduating from Tulane University in New Orleans. He is currently director of 2112 – a 20,000 sq ft music, film/video, and creative focused technology incubation space located in the 160,000 square foot creative ecosystem of Fort Knox Studios on Chicago’s Northwest side. 2112 is Chicago’s first incubator focused on the development of entrepreneurs and disruption in music, film/video and creative technology.  He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Music Commission and Sharing Notes, Advisory Board of ChicagoMusic.org and CIMM Fest, and Ambassador’s Board of Chicago Children’s Choir. More information: http://2112inc.com/.

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